About Us

    Get To Know Us

    We are family run business passionate about ending backyard breeding. We're pleased to start a breeding programme from which new breeders can inspire from. Most importantly, avoid the horrors that backyard breeding has wreaked on the Pedigree feline community.

    We've created an environment where all our felines are continuously adored and cared for. We recognise the unique characteristics of each exotic breed and provide care tailored to their specific needs and desires.

    We are a Luxury Exotic cattery Service, providing excellent services for customers that want a loving, caring, and very well-disciplined cat. We go above and beyond to provide our cats with the best quantity of life. We will be your long-life term advisory assistant together making your dream come true

    Our Bengal cats and kittens are all purebred and TICA licensed (The International Cat Association). We breed these ferocious-looking mini leopards in a variety of colours. Egotica Cattery is without a doubt the best place to go if you want to buy a top-notch Bengal kitten that truly stands out from the crowd.

    All our pedigree studs and queen are tested for known Bengal genetic diseases. Accordingly, all our pedigree felines are free from Bengal Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA-b) and Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKDef).

    The test is carried out with Langford vets, where they use the molecular diagnostic unit, they have developed a PCR-based pyrosequencing assay to quickly and accurately identify the PRA-b mutation that is known to cause PRA in Bengal cats.

    Pyruvate kinase deficiency is an inherited disease of Abyssinian and Somali cats. Pyruvate kinase is a red blood cell enzyme important in red blood cell energy metabolism. Therefore, if this enzyme is lacking, a haemolytic anaemia can result.

    Bengal PRA-b causes loss of photoreceptors in the eye and ultimately results in blindness. 

    Our Studs and Queens are tested for the most dangerous viral cat diseases: FIV (immunodeficiency virus) and FeLV (leukaemia virus). Accordingly, all our pedigree felines are free from immunodeficiency and leukaemia.

    FIV spreads throughout the body by replicating and then destroying the body’s immune cells. Symptoms of clinical FIV vary and can include weight loss, anaemia, and gum inflammation (gingivitis). Often compared to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), it shares many similarities such as a long incubation period (time from exposure to infection) and a latency period (time when infected animals are not showing any symptoms of disease). However, where it differs from HIV, is in the way it is spread. FIV is primarily found in the saliva of cats.

    FeLV often results in a rapid decline in health, as it causes tumours of the immune system such as lymphoma and leukaemia. Symptoms of FeLV vary and can include weight loss, enlarged lymph nodes, fever and respiratory infections. Cats infected with FeLV have poor survival rates, with an average of 2.5 years survival post- diagnosis. Also known as the ‘friendly cat’ disease, FeLV is primarily spread through prolonged contact with an infected cat, through grooming and other factors

    Our Queens and Studs are tested for Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) yearly. This allows us to make the right selection of couples and guarantee the absence of kittens having any congenital pathologies. The heart test involves auscultation (listening to the heart with a stethoscope) and echocardiography (heart scan). The results are recorded on an official heart test certificate which is endorsed by the Veterinary Cardiovascular Society (VCS) in association with International Cat

    Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a condition that causes the muscular walls of a cat’s heart to thicken, decreasing the heart’s efficiency and sometimes creating symptoms in other parts of the body.

    We don't hold animals in cages, aviaries, individual quarters, or homes. We live in a home, and our Bengal cats are full-fledged members of the family, with constant human interaction, which is critical for Bengal kitten socialization. We have a small cattery and can give each of our pets the attention they deserve.

    Download the PDF below to learn more about Bengals.

    Thank you for taking your time to read this.

    - Egotica Cattery

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    Get To Know your Bengal PDF
